Are Pot Coffee Shops The Next Big Thing In The Cannabis Industry?
Since public perception of marijuana use is shifting, cannabis tourism is on the rise. People want to be able to smoke marijuana wherever th

It's Time To Get On The Organic Weed Train
Organic marijuana? Yes, you heard right. With medical marijuana being legal in most of the states the number of cannabis users is constantly

What Cannabis Vendors Need To Know About Clover Flex
With a recent medical marijuana vote in Oklahoma, medical cannabis is now legal in 31 states. Even though cannabis industry is growing every

Why SEO Is More Important Than You Think
You already have a stunning website. Now it’s time to get found on Google. Are you a small to medium size business owner who wants to take t

Why Digital Marketing Should Be Your First Focus
Traditional marketing and advertising is on the decline, except online, where advertising is not only more effective, but more affordable an

5 Things To Consider Before Starting a Legal Cannabis Business
There is a high-profit potential in running legal marijuana business. Cannabis vendors can earn over a million dollars annually while runnin

BREAKING: Can Colorado Become the First State to Sell Legal Cannabis Under Federal Law?
Colorado is one of the first states to legalize both medical and recreational marijuana. During the last 4 years, the state saw a steady inc

5 Industry Trends Cannabis Vendors Should Know About
The cannabis industry is emerging as a major business market. Even though cannabis is illegal on the federal level, medical marijuana is leg

Merchant Club of America Finds a Solution to Your Cannabis Cash Problem
Even though legal markets for marijuana continue to spread, conducting business in cannabis is not yet properly recognized by the federal go

This payment solution is quickly becoming an advantage for marijuana vendors in California
Merchant Club of America is providing the competitive advantage for cannabis vendors in California Cannabis retail market is a lucrative bus