Why Digital Marketing Should Be Your First Focus
Traditional marketing and advertising is on the decline, except online, where advertising is not only more effective, but more affordable and completely traceable. It's time for your business to give online marketing a try.

The web's ability to rapidly disseminate news, and articles, made newspapers and magazines obsolete. Along with their demise went the ability for advertisers to reach customers via print. What was once an "easy buy" for the auto or home section of a paper, or for magazines targeting your audience, simply disappeared. Due to very clear measuring tools, unlike print, Internet ads were far cheaper and more appealing to advertisers.
A twenty-second television ad used to be the most coveted product in advertising. Now, TV ads are becoming less relevant to viewers of all ages. In fact, according to the Omnicom Media Group study, 50 percent of adults between the ages of 22 and 45 consume zero content on the “traditional TV platforms” and the rest are distracted by surfing the web, checking emails, or using social media while consuming traditional TV content.
Newspapers and magazines are suffering an accelerating drop in print advertising, a market that already was under stress, forcing some publishers to consider significant cost cuts and dramatic changes to their print and digital products. The magazine advertising is declining at the rate of CAGR of -9.7% and was valued at 16.8 billion dollars in the year 2017. In fact, digital advertising is expected to overtake print advertising by the year 2020.

There is only one kind of advertising that is not only improving its efficiency on a daily basis, but it's under most circumstances more affordable. In addition, every effort is completely traceable so your business knows with great exactitude your ROI.
Every day, dozens, if not hundreds of potential clients go to a search engine to try to find you. These are clients, business contacts, and possible income sources that are ready to make commitments with companies who are easily and readily available on Google, Bing, Yahoo and all other search engines.
The goal of a successful online marketing campaign is to switch your advertising plan to a more effective one. Most types of advertising will involve you sending out bait to see if anyone bites. An effective SEO strategy turns your marketing efforts right-side-up. Instead of you trying to find, and convince customers to come to you, you're strategically placing yourself where the customers who are ALREADY looking for you, can find you.
Contact Merchant Club today for a free online marketing assessment and take the first step towards a productive, resourceful and profitable marketing campaign.
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