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Give Your Business The Gift Of Saving A Ton Of Money!

Every year, during the holiday season, we spend a lot of time pondering what to give to our close friends and family. Stores are full of people and most businesses are booming. However, as an entrepreneur did you ever think of giving a gift to your business? A gift that can save a lot of money?

Give Your Business The Gift Of Saving A Ton Of Money! - Merchant Club of America

At Merchant Club of America, we encourage merchants to enroll into our discount for cash program and give a big gift of savings to the business. This program was created with merchants in mind: from barbers and burger joints, to merchants from coast to coast that are discovering the numerous advantages of the cash discount program.

It is very easy to set up and a breeze to manage. Based on individual business performance, this program can save thousands of dollars every month! Even better, your businesses will start to save from day one. There are not too many merchants that would not like to give this gift to the business.

Once you give us an OK to launch the program, we will provide you with our proprietary software that will automatically calculate service fees and pass it on to customers paying by credit card. While customers paying by cash or prepaid gift card will be rewarded with a discount. All the details and required information will be clearly spelled out on the customer receipt.

Give Your Business The Gift Of Saving A Ton Of Money! - Merchant Club of America

Discount for cash program is also compatible with wireless terminals as well as point-of-sale systems. It’s the ultimate in cost-saving payment systems. A win-win for both parties! And let’s not forget that this program enables email capture, provides a cloud-based receipt system and free upgrades. Hence, if you want to give your business a gift of savings, fill out the form below and one of our knowledgeable representatives will get in touch to provide you more information about the discount for cash program that can increase your business savings.

This blog is created and managed by DS&P.

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